Thursday, December 31, 2015

Healthy Eating Pyramid Update

Earlier this year Nutrition Australia updated their Healthy Eating Pyramid for the first time in over 15 years. The new pyramid reflects a change in food philosophy and provides clearer direction on what we should be eating.  In line with the food pyramids of traditional diets such as the Mediterranean Diet, the emphasis is on plant based foods with Nutrition Australia suggesting these should make up 70% of our dietary intake.  The pyramid also includes plant based protein options which means that vegetarians and vegans are not excluded.  The new pyramid looks like this:

My nerdy, healthy-food loving self is really excited.  If you are too, feel free to check out the links below for more information.

Nutrition Australia media release

Nutrition Australia Healthy Eating Pyramid

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A New Beginning

So, after an extended time away, I thought it might be time to bring tao belly back to life.  Back in 2013 I returned to work after many years as a stay at home mum.  I completely underestimated the impact this would have on my life, but particularly the lack of anything resembling spare time that I was going to have.  Recent reassessments have meant that I will be dropping back to part time work again next year and I'm looking forward to posting here more regularly in the coming months.

Over the last year or so, my will to cook has pretty much disappeared.  I have struggled to get decent meals on the table, often serving the same boring options.  Most significantly I've come to really dislike preparing meals for my family.  My goal now is to get re-inspired and explore new recipes and ideas for healthy cooking that are family friendly and time friendly as well.

I'm looking forward to sharing my journey back from kitchen burnout with you.